What makes a website great?
Would not you love to know the main ingredients to create a high quality website? What are the basic elements that must be taken if you want a solidly designed webpage? A website must stand out and be seen by visitors. One that will keep visitors returning to the site again and again. An effective web site that is 95% better than most web sites.
Follow these simple steps of design when creating your next web site and will response. Good
- keywords
the core. The concept. Good keywords are the building block to consider even before your website becomes a slight mental idea. Choose the correct word or phrase is the primary factor that will determine success or failure of your website. Should seek to find out about the word or phrase that will be the central point and attractive website.
must seek to have this right. Is vital. It is simply the most important element of a website. Analysis software can use keywords and sites for this purpose as GoogleKeywords, Wordtracker.com, Nichebot.com, or advanced analysis software as Brad Callen's Keyword Elite. "
Regardless of the choice process, you must choose your keywords very carefully. You should check the number of searches made mensualemnte of the keyword. You should also check the keyword density on your page to see if it registered with search engines. You may need to adjust or "tune" the density of the keyword then.
sure the place that gives the keyword in the title of the page. Place it in the first holder of the page, even many sellers place their keyword or phrase in the URL. For example: www.sudominio.com / palabraclave.html This will help search engines and surfers to find your site more quickly.
Simple Design Keep it simple. Try to keep your page simple and direct. Maintain a professional style. Make sure it is legible and clear to all visitors. Check your spelling. You should also review how the page looks in all browsers (www.anybrowser.com). Better safe than sorry.
If you have a comparison page, limit the amount to three or four. Studies also show that if you have too many options or products, the exchange rate conversion or fall, not rise. Keep all interrelated. If you have a website about laptops , do not start discussing the benefits of getting a jeep or SUV.
Keep your sentences short and the number of words on a page below 200 or 300 words. Many sites divide large items on multiple pages, will be somewhat inconvenient to visitors but you will have more space for advertising - is your choice. Optimized
Let's face it, the website will mean the vast majority of its traffic from search engines, mainly Google, although MSN and Yahoo also deserve consideration. Optimize your site for Google. Use a simple hierarchy and simple mantega its pages to no more than three clicks from the homepage. Link all pages to your main page is a good practice, always. Search engines find your site faster if it is linked directly from the homepage. Use
manager software logs (blogs) as Wordpress, BBlog and others, will optimize the pages for you. Blogs managers have a hierarchy of links (categories, archives, etc.) That are pretty friendly for search engines. It's almost impossible not to optimize your pages if you use a management system logs. It should also take an RSS syndication system (better known as RSS Feed) to distribute content and place it in the search engines quickly. Check
factors and details such as Meta Tags, Title description and content. Use a text file for robots robots.txt search engines.
If you are new to building web pages, you may want to try Google Creator Webpage , there you can create pages and host it for free on Google's servers also automatically be indexed in Google. Overall value added!
- Navigational
A great website will have a simple and easy navigation. Link your website to and from your home page whenever possible. Also be sure to link to and from the site map page. Many webmasters put all the key links of your site in the top or bottom of every page, so a visitor can move freely between them and find what you're looking for. Preserve the comfort level of visitors ever present. Double
review of all links in your website and each and every one of them work. It can be soreprendido to see how many of them do not work, especially if you are linking to other sites. Search engines do not like broken links, neither can his visitors.
also duplicate the review of all images for your page to display properly. Nothing further reduces the quality of a page faster than images that do not load.
New Content -
A great website will always have new content. Be sure to update your website often. Our world of technology changes rapidly, make sure the material is current and still relevant.
Remember, 9 out of 10 times, the only reason a visitor is on your page is for information. Be sure to deliver. Make sure the information is recent and accurate. In addition, there is nothing like new content and new to keep visitors interested and coming back for more.
- add to bookmarks or favorites
A great website will in all cases be added to the browser bookmarks or favorites. The visitor will want to mark your favorite or Agragar your page and return to it for more information. Make sure that makes it easy for visitors to add the page to your list of bookmarks or favorites. Use a dial script or added to favorites. Try to use a favorite icon or favicon, this is a small logo that is placed on the site and will be automatically loaded and displayed in the bookmarks or favorites of visitors, increasing the striking and attention to your page. All in a bookmark and a favorite icon as breadcrumbs, leading the visitor back to your page. Fresh
Every page has a WOW factor ! Try creating your page out of the ordinary and the ordinary. Try to make it unique, fresh. Just remember, a simple professional webpage with valuable information is always spectacular. And remember that there's nothing like a good little 'word of mouth' to get some traffic to be performed in Pagerank for your site. One thing on your page is worth what it's worth in gold.
So next time you're designing a web page, go and try to create a web page with all the features mentioned above. Start with keywords, keep it simple and easy, read and taste to find coding errors, design a good navigation and optimize it for search engines, be sure to provide valuable information and fresh content. Last but not least, try hard to make your site memorable and add to your bookmarks or favorites. Make a professional website that will exceed most other web pages.
Aspire to the top and reap the rewards.
Article originally in English, written by Titus Hoskins on November 13, 2006.
Extracted, translated and adapted by Ricardo Andrés Obregón Merchán