Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mi Soledad Y Yo Translated

Web: the eternal dilemma of what

Guide A to Z for web site traffic

In September 1999, Brett Tabka wrote "26 Steps to 15k a Day" (26 Steps to 15k a day) in the Webmaster World forum (Webmaster World). Many things have changed since then, and now is the time to consider a new plan of 26 steps that cover the current needs of webmasters in 2006. Some of the steps still apply (writing new content everyday, for example), others not (send to the search engines is no longer necessary) and we are here to say what's what and what's what. As you may very well known, attracting visitors is not easy, requires hard work, determination and very hard. So if you are ready, tie up your sleeves and follow these 26 simple steps, and in just one year will have generated enough traffic to keep you busy for a long, long time. Guide A to Z for web site traffic.

A) Search keywords (Keyword research)

First of all, use a search engine keyword and make an extensive research, looking for the right key words and phrases for use on the site. What key phrases are using the competition? Is there a phrase that creates a potential for market share? Is there any with which to launch the site and create a whole new niche market?

B) Domain Name (Domain name)

To register and characteristics of your company name, then choose a domain name that reflects it. If your company is called Umara, then use the domain If you have already been taken by someone else then enter or similar. No hyphens, and hopefully no more than two words in the domain name.

C) Avoid

sandbox Upon the chosen keywords and phrases and the name of your company, buy a domain soon. Design and place a page on the site discussing some of what you are, what sells, and that soon there will be more to come. Make sure that you will be visited, scanned and indexed by search engines like Google and Yahoo or mail or link it to any other site

D) Consider and create content


over 30 pages of real content, and original about your site. This will give the spiders something to "chew." This will also increase the chances of being seen on the results of the search engines with a variety Key words and phrases.

E) Site Design

Use the principle "Keep it Simple." Employ an external CSS file, check and clean any JavaScript code referring it as an external file, and do not use frames, use flash the way you would with images, and no matter what, do not build sites in Flash. Do not offer a site full of "bells and whistles" to visitors. Keep things nice and simple. Make it easy to find, and visitors have no reason to look elsewhere.

F) page size and extent of the page

use less kilobytes, the best especially for prinpipal page or initial. Optimize your images and make sure the page loads quickly. Most people and businesses in the Western world could that have high speed access, but cell phones and other countries. If the site loads slowly, you may already have lost the visitors even before they've had the opportunity to examine and explore the site.

G) Usability

sure the site follows good usability rules. Remember that people spend more time on other sites, so it does not violate the design conveniones. Do not use PDF files for online reading. Change link colors for visited and use good headers. Take into account some usability tips and tricks are worth it, it will save you work and effort.

H) On Site Optimization

Use the keyphrase you have chosen in your title (most important), your headers (when appropriate) and text content. Make sure your page / content is about the key phrase. If you're selling things, then write about those things. No single place to place, the words of that object or item within the text.

I) The global

The global bonds are those that remain the same on every page. They are the benchmark for new visitors are not lost in the navigation of the page. Sometimes found on the left side of the page, sometimes consist of tabs at the top of the page. They also often found at the foot of the page. Make sure you have a text version of the standard in each of the pages. Usually I tabs at the top, text-only versions placed at the foot of the bottom of the page. Check, check and see what works best for you.

Article originally in English, written by Shawn Campbell on April 7, 2006.
Extracted, translated and adapted by Ricardo Andrés Obregón Merchán