Sunday, November 28, 2010

Enter Gpsphone Cheats With Ifile

: History of a gift, making a box with pink lilies

Since Mar. 25 was the birthday of a dear friend of my wife and myself, I decided to make a gift that was both unique and personal. A couple of weeks before the birthday, we found that the flower most I love the lilies, and things, the following day, Sunday, my wife bought two buttons at the supermarket lilium, that night I started shooting pictures, for a sequence of flower development.

First they show the footage selected from each of the sessions (Sunday to Wednesday), then I will explain how the photos were made at both the production of the final picture.

can click on each photo to see larger.

That first night one of the buttons and had begun to open, while the other was completely closed:

picture of the first session chosen

After the second day, the first button was already fully open, while the latter still remained closed:

selected picture of the second session day.

the fourth day, Wednesday, and both flowers were in full splendor again did a session and then choose the one that loved me most:

The selected for the fourth session.

And, to complete a quartet, I chose a shot of the detail of the stamens of a flower, taken during Tuesday's session:

Selected with the details of the stamens.


I decided to put a background of black cloth for the colors of the flowers and leaves stand out enough, because the fabric I had on hand was not black velvet ( the ideal material for these cases), I had to remove the flowers, and put a meter off the bottom, so that this does not reflect the lighting flashes so you can darken then "absolute black."

focal length of 150 mm was chosen to compress the space, and the opening was f 22, in this way the depth of field could be kept under control because when there is a lot of flowers relatively large distance between front petals and stamens, and even more petals behind.

power was set flashes with the help of a photometer Sekonik L-358 Flash Master , so that at a speed of 1 / 125 s allow me an aperture of f 22 (were the maximum!) without lighting Environmental contribute anything.

The camera, an Olympus E-30 mounted on a Manfrotto tripod, put in manual mode with manual focus also, and the color space to Adobe RGB (the other is the Standard RGB or sRGB ) to obtain a greater number of colors.

In order to ensure the fidelity of color under the lighting conditions to be used, it was all shot in RAW (not JPG), and used the first takes a card Color Checker X-Rite:

Color Checker

entire procedure was performed to create a profile for the camera, so that the colors were reproduced as closely as technically possible, this procedure is far more competitive than just the white balance.

Worked each RAW files in Adobe Photoshop CS4, using the profile created with the Color Checker card for that specific camera, under these specific lighting conditions.

So far the procedure is proper lighting, lens choice, depth control field, color fidelity, subject position, point of view of the camera, composition etc..

But ... as is done for this color can be viewed properly on a monitor? ... Well, first of all have to have a halfway decent monitor, I have a LG 24 "Full HD (1,920 x 1,080 pixels), but more important is to calibrate correctly photocolorimeter monitor, so that the best play so the colors obtained by the camera.

I have the cheapest of all, a Pantone Huey, but it is always better than none; well, the colors that the monitor calibration and presents me are as close as possible to reality, so I can know for sure if the background is completely black and still see the texture of the fabric, whether the colors flowers look natural, if the color temperature is not tacking to the tone too cold or too warm, if general lighting is correct, etc.

To compose the final product, I used Adobe Illustrator, where you create a document of 90 cm x 30 cm and distributed the photos, leaving a 4-cm white frame around the photos:

final product ready to go to print.

Once assembled the final table, with the help of guides Illustrator, exported on file in JPG format, 300 dpi, the highest possible quality (the file came out huge, 77 MB .)

I chose that size because I know Procolor has it and is big enough for the flowers to shine, and obviously prompted to load the Adobe RGB profile, and thus get juice, in terms of color, the print file.

Once printed the huge photograph (in print delayed about 30 minutes), I was happy with the result until we had to decide on the framework ... I started recognizing my limitations in the expert hands of Art Caprice, and my wife ... at the end of the gift and was really spectacular framed.

I hope this gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it is done (or at least one way to do it).

So sigiente post!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Reviews Of Progesterall


suputamadre that cold would not?!
went out yesterday for a while with the bike and came back with sore ears and eyelids. I cursed when I remove my clothes and got into the shower and cursed when he left the shower shivering. But everything changed when I take a hot broth with a splash of sherry.
Today at 11 am the temperature was 0 degrees (Some funny asshole would say that neither cold nor hot), and had to run 50 minutes. I am one who do not give away even one minute to the coaches. If I have 50 minutes, do 50 minutes, or give or remove ... Cartesian and excel (montoya ;-)). The case is not whether it will be cold or because the fucking balls, but I'm lost in Valdelatas. I've lost, I did not know where he was and at some point I felt a bit of funk by the number of boars that begins to appear in this monte.La poor Lola looked at me as asking me for explanations. Anyway, I made 1 hour and five minutes, which indicates the severity of my mental dislocation.
Something happens.
continue training, with cold, rain, snow (in NA) and Of course, I'll keep the fucking shitting IEME.
not fuck you.
With God.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Itchy Scalp With Oily Smell

Where I can frame my photos?

Once we begin to achieve good photographs, there will be many who will want to look at our homes or offices, others can give, for different reasons, including children, grandchildren, parents and family photos in general.

The truth is that when faced with the almost infinite number of possibilities, is going to be a bit cumbersome to take a decision on the type and size of the framework in which we put our photos.

Here is a frame shop, where not only do the work, but play an important advisory role in the type of frame and pesentacion way, his name

Ricardo Palma Av 584 - Miraflores. Tel: 242-7882
Coming from Miraflores to Surquillo,
the first block across Paseo de la Republica,
on the right, almost on the corner.

Once framed photo and frame are a single element, the frame becomes part of our photo and vice versa, so it is very importance of choice as a framework can subtract or add much to our photos, that, depending on the environment where it will to place, the surrounding colors and the very reason for the photo.

Bring your photos, collages and compositions, and I guarantee you will be very well advised by Mr. Julio Injoque, owner of the shop.

Hoping it will be useful, I say goodbye until the next post.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Watch Free Pirates Digital Playground

I'm trying to photograph the moon, but I get moved and very small, well is so bright that I lose detail, I have a Canon SLR and a couple of Tamron lenses. As I can do?

Last night saw the full moon, and efectivamenete is to take some pictures, this is a matter of patience, because you have to expect the sky to clear, and coincides with the time which is best viewed .

Well, first and foremost you need a tripod , if the camera moves, even slightly, it will ruin the photo, it is VERY important that secures the camera.

I hope some of your lens has an effective focal length of 400 mm or more, so that the moon has a significant size within the frame, ie that are sufficiently "close" to look good.

The camera should be set to manual focus, and a dial (P, Tv, Av, M) must put it in M \u200b\u200b(manual). Your aperture (f number) may be between 8 and 11 (actually two full stops from the largest opening (smallest f number). light measurement has to be time. If you know how to process RAW, use it. The ISO must be kept as low as possible to avoid any loss of detail.

Once properly with the camera mounted on a tripod, you should focus as much as possible by hand, if you have live view, this can help a lot, with the moon at the center of the frame, make your measurement of light and need to underexpose about two stops and make a decision, so you see how it goes out the photo. From there you move the exposure time to obtain the correct exposure.

Here you'll realize how fast the moon out of frame for speed rotation of the Earth and moon relative moviemiento at that time (the arc described).

to enlarge

In the above photo we see the full moon, but we must bear in mind that in this case, the moon is getting a front light, that does not detract from the majesty of the photo, but the surface details are lost and can only see some craters at the edges.

But if we take a picture of the crescent, we will have light grazing in the area of \u200b\u200btransition that goes from light to shadow, and so get better detail of the craters and elements surface, see:

to enlarge

Both photos were taken with a 400 mm lens LFE, RAW, and then refined in Photoshop, Olympus E -30, Olympus lens and a Manfrotto tripod. Location: Santiago de Surco in Lima - Peru.

Hope this helps, but if you have a Canon Rebel XS, it does not have spot metering (for being a basic camera), but anyway you can play with time, until the details you want. Ah ... if you have a remote shutter release, use it, and do not forget the "mirror lock." Until next


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie The Daily Sport 16 Years

I want to buy a camera, what is the best?, Which is a good camera? ...

Dear readers, given the proximity of the holidays, and because today 20 November 2010 this blog has 3.520 visitors, who come from all over the world but mostly from Peru, is multiplied the constant questions about what is the best camera on what to buy, which brand is best, or the like.

Lumix FZ 100, as well as similar ones in their range

I've already written two posts about it, which you can see going directly to the following links:

http://carloscaminofoto.blogspot. com/2010/11/cual-es-la-mejor-camara-que-camara-me.html

I say that knowing a little picture does not make me an authority on the subject, even though my goal is to help both starters, how those in whom this interesting hobby and has penetrated deep.

The range of small digital cameras (point & shoot), growing at an very difficult to keep pace with many features for me may or may not be useful, but the reality is that those who must be satisfied are you with the purchase, the buyer of a camera should be documented, read about their features and benefits feel it in your hand, view your design, and if this suits you, then look at the price, if high, then activate the Plan "B" and find one that fits our pockets and to the renunciation of some of features.

I recommend these Web sites in English, where you can find some opinions on the business models of each brand. comprarte-camara-fotografica, 1_7022, 1_7033

http:// / index.html

Here are a couple of websites in English:

http://www.cameralabs. com /

could also go to Amazon, find the make and model you want to buy, and if you have them, read the reviews users, and the rating they give.

I regret not being able to help them more in their decision process, but understand that it is impossible for me to know all the models of each brand and to guide in the purchase. As general counsel do not depart from well-known brands, and try to see that the market believes that model that you liked. Do not forget that I take photos, do photography, but I'm not into the business of selling cameras.

On the other hand the difference in quality between the cameras is very small, some recognize faces, others take panoramic hand others have two screens, some are touch screen, some left to take the picture if someone flashes, others take it if someone smile ... Anyway, many "frills" electronics product, and marketing makes us want them to decide our purchase in terms of them, but please do not lose sight of the true purpose of a camera, take photos technically acceptable.

A hug to everyone and thanks for your kind readership.

Drivers Para O Modem Nfa-01a

making way

The head is the one that moves the body, takes advantage of the muscles and joints. Sometimes there is pain but if the head wants, strips front and no God.
is a matter of motivation and perhaps also of perseverance. Rather trust and confidence in their daily work. Those days in which the joints, muscles, skin, says no and your head says, if ... by balls. Enjoy
? if, when you finish. Do not get straw
mental, when the body says no, raisins hookers and strip head. Do not be fooled.
It's bad when the head says no. There are touches negotiate. Make coaching, search in the pantry of motivation, positive thinking, but all around is just the opposite. We've all lived through that time and most of the time, we've all done what we had to do. Each is each and every one will know.
The fact is that the balls are the parents of real pain. When the head does not work, you have to pull them and when they pull them, the bill to pay is usually more expensive.
So is the thing. Do not say you will not warned.
to continue training, even if it hurts, but it's cold or raining, that here in this Tinglao, nobody gives you anything, and 'only' run into is worth its weight in gold.

With God.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Plan B Side Constipation

Color: Is it better to work on my photos in RGB or CMYK?, What criteria to use one or the other?

None of these color spaces are better or worse than the other, have different uses, in each different colors are formed differently, llmándose the RGB additive color and subtractive CMY ... no, I have not forgotten about the K and I will explain later.

The human eye is able to capture many colors, or rather many shades of different colors, starting with red and ending with violet, this response to their wavelengths, but as a matter of physics, leave that for another time that is required.

Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Violeta

In the above chart we can see an example of the scale of the visible colors, and how their transitions.

Synthesis Additive color, RGB:

This mode of generating colors is characteristic of the electronic media , TV's, monitors, scanners, screens of cell phones, sensors, cameras, etc..

These devices or capture the colors using the three additive primary colors, red (Red), green (Green) and blue (Blue). They are called additive because when you add to 100% the result is white and each channel will tell .

Color Additives

programs in photography and digital media in general, each R, G and B is supported by 01 bytes, ie 08 bits, then the amount of shades for each RGB channel is 2 ^ 8 (two to the eighth power), which equals 256, (0 to 255).

So, the red channel on the most will be represented by the number 255 and fully off is represented by 0, the same for the other two channels. If each channel has 256 possibilities or different tones, between the three channels we RGB 256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216 (sixteen million, seven hundred seventy-seven thousand, two hundred sixteen) different colors.

As we saw R + G + B = White (white) and additionally if we mix R + G = Yellow (yellow), G + B = Cyan (kind of blue), and B + R = Magenta (a kind of pink).

not forget that in this case we are adding colors adtivos light as when we turn to the maximum three channels, we obtain the maximum brightness is white.

These three colors Cyan, Magenta and Yellow (CMY) are complementary to RGB and Yellow is the complementary Blue (and vice versa), the Magenta is the complement of Green, and Cyan is the complement of Red .

subtractive color, CMY:

This mode of generating colors used in all print media , newspapers, magazines and general paper, basing its debut on cover the paper with colored inks CMY.

In subtractive color, the color white is taken up first by the color of the substrate (paper) and the temperature and intensity of light that illuminates the role. To be putting more and more ink, we will be covering the "WHITE" and putting darker each time, ie we subtracting light. Theoretically

by mixing C + M + Y should get Black (K), but since the industry has achieved so far obtained pure CMY pigments total, we get a very dark brown, never black, hence the necesisad to introduce a black channel, but not in any way.

Subtractive Colors

Before you learn how to generate the black color Note the issue of additional remains, and that by mixing Y + M = Red , M + C = Blue and C + Y = Green.

The letter K representing the black color is not black but Key.

Well, now we know that the RGB color space (additive) is used in electronic devices such as cameras and monitors, and color space CMY (subtractive, and core) is mainly used in printing, it is important we know that not all colors represented in RGB CMY can be passed, as the brightly colored "painted" with light in a good monitor can not be represented paper and inks.

In a good program like Adobe Photoshop can do the conversion from RGB to CMYK, but is not as simple as changing the color space, in any case this post is not a tutorial on how to do, but what I explain is how to generate the color black.

Well, to convert to CMYK, as well as having to fix our black and white points, correct the colors that are very different from the original RGB, one thing we must do is decide GCR, this will depend on the type of printing , the type of paper and a number of additional printing variables.

Grey Replacement Components, GCR:

is where is the fourth channel (K), is where we go from CMY to CMYK, we see a bit: If we plot the amount of ink would be used if the combination of C + M + Y was really black.


Here we see that we're using 07 drives, and cyan, magenta ink 10 units and 05 units of yellow ink, ink 22 units in total, then the process of GCR is to take equal parts of each ink CMY and replace them with black ink ... see:

GCR to switch CMY to CMYK

Taking 02 units each of CMY inks, we can replace them with 02 units of black ink, K, and get better definitions given in the shadows and have replaced 06 units of color ink (02 each), with 02 units of black ink.

after GCR So now have the following:

Moderate GCR, saving 04 units of ink

And why is it important to mention saving ink? ... think of the circulation of a newspaper, which only saves ink, black ink cost is less than the color, then this is where the GCR matter much.

The following chart GCR will apply a more aggressive, so we replace 12 units of ink (04 each), for 04 units of black ink, that is an effective saving of 08 units of ink.

Obviously, different applications of GCR affect the color gamut and contrast of a printed photo, but that's more a matter of digital prepress and offset, this being a blog about photography.

GCR Aggressive


The pictures always work in RGB, if one dominates Photoshop and concepts digital prepress and printing, can venture to make the change from RGB to CMYK, otherwise leave this responsibility to the prepress workshop they are using. Obviously only if you are sending the photo offset printing.

RGB: used in your camera, your scanner, your computer, your monitor, in its editing software. The white color is obtained by the sum of the three channels, and its total absence BLACK (color display)

CMYK: is used only to bring the offset printing photos . The white color is obtained by the absence total ink (color paper), and BLACK by saturation of them.

I hope the information will be helpful, until next post!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Get Points Off Your License In Ohio

not bother me. Arggg

can a straight lina become a maze cheater?
is possible?
had to participate for an hour today. rectum, on soft, cold air at night.
played anything else but beside the point. So if comes to mind are the thoughts that are sometimes put you in the head and as much as you want you can not remove them. are those things that are there, in the day to day apart because the maelstrom to help you, but at the minimum asking you assail you wallet, watch, and because a graying and also that if you took away something else.
indecent and infamous situations. and say that one gray hair and even believe in the Kings does not believe in other ways in which the populace if believes ... but is also a vulgar, vulgar not because even for that we must strive.
possible that life is so vulgar everyday. it is also possible that death is, too. Sometimes we confuse the everyday with the vulgar, it's every day to normal. And no, it is not.
not lose normal life is normal with 30 años.No be well on Monday and not simply a Friday.
is vulgar play with a marked deck.
take a GAPO is vulgar is vulgar lowered his pants and shit on the street, it is vulgar to say a bit silly for a girl with miniskirt, is vulgar hit a slap to a child, is vulgar honking the car, it is vulgar to be vulgar.
is vulgar to one person be so, that way at that age.

With God.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can An Hp 56 Be Used In Place Of An Hp 54

What is the best camera?, What camera should I buy?, There is the ultimate camera? Technical

Well, a while ago I wrote a post about it:

I still think that to begin with, the best camera is that one can buy, but for those who already are more seriously, this is the most complete response I've read, and which I subscribe fully identify each of ; his words.

Therefore, given the many questions, I ask you to please enter the following link: c2 % bfque-camera-me-buy /

This was posted on Miguel Blondet from your facebook page, and with your permission I'm just linking here on my blog, because it seems really a masterly exposition. Go

my thanks and admiration to Mr. Mike Johnston Caborian and people for their translation, and publication. Les

step also the blog page of Mr. Miguel Blondet:


Platypus For Sale Florida

: it's the EXIF?, It good for?, How is it used?, As I see it?. Technical

EXIF \u200b\u200bExchangeable Image File Format
, this is a standardized file format that is built into all digital photos. There we can find the date it was taken, shutter speed, aperture, and finally, plenty of useful information about the photo.

can get this pair of links and learn a little more:

http: / / / wiki / Exchangeable_image_file_format

NOTE: the date of the photo is only correct if the clock and calendar with your camera are correct data.

This information is very useful in the learning process, because if, for example, took several pictures of the same landscape, with variations of different parameters of our camera, these changes will be reflected in the EXIF, so we can review on our computer and realize how it affects every change in the outcome.

To view the EXIF \u200b\u200bof your photos, you will need a suitable program in general either for photography, Photoshop and silmilares. In this case I will to show how it's done with Google's Picasa, as well as being an excellent program is free.

See here:

Assume we have the following picture and want to know information, which is in the EXIF:

Click to enlarge.

Open the photo in Picasa or Picasa and we open the album where the photo, we right click on the photo and get the following:

Click to enlarge.

Once in this menu we click on Properties (properties) and EXIF \u200b\u200bphoto right would appear next to your screen:

Click to enlarge.

And if we move down the slide, we will see more information at the bottom:

Click to enlarge.

Within This information also find the make and model of camera you took the photo, lonfgitud focal color space, time and date and the outlet, and finally all the relevant information of the photo.

Hoping that this will be useful, I leave to the next post.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Football Lineman Cleats

I know that with Photoshop is a process for improving the sharpness of the photos, you know how?.

Yes, I know the procedure and is very simple.

descrbir Before this procedure, we must become aware that even though the lighting is perfect, the subject is appropriate, the composition is aesthetically correct, the colors are well balanced and the angle of the socket is to be, if the picture is not clear, we are not going to help anything.

The process for improving the sharpness is as follows:

1 .- Open the photo with Adobe Photoshop.

2 .- Go to menu Image => Mode => Lab color

This action will make a change in color space from RGB to Lab, the first colors are formed by the combination of three channels Red, Green and Blue, where each has 256 shades (8 bits), and their combination allows us to represent a total of 16,777,216 colors is say more than 16 million.

Each pixel is defined by three values, Red, Blue and Green between 0 and 255, to identify its color. There is also a model of enhanced color space called Adobe RGB (ARGB), which comes to play up to 50% of the colors represented in the space L * a * b.

RGB and complementary CMY

In the second case we also have three channels, but the colors are formed in a different way, since one of them (L) defines brightness, from white to black, the channel (a) defines the balance between red and green, and the channel (b) define the balance between blue and yellow. This color space more accurately respond to the number of colors perceived by the human eye.

Each pixel is defined by three values, one that defines the luminosity (L), other value between red and green (a) and the latter a value between blue and yellow (b).

Area CIE L * a * b

3 .- Go to the Channels palette and select channel "L", or Lightness, so we will act only the channel contains details of the image, not the color information.

4 .- Now we go to the Filters menu => = Sharpen> Unsharp Mask ...

5 .- We will present a dialog box where you must do the following:
General purpose: Amount = 85%, Radius = 1, Threshold = 4
For individuals: Amount = 150%, Radius = 1, Threshold = 10
For urban and landscape photography: Amount = 65%, Radius = 3, Threshold = 4
This data according to Master Scott Kelby

Yes, I know it says Radius = 1.1, but should read Radius = 1

6 .- Finally, we return our photo to your original color space, RGB and save. Presto, now our picture is sharper and sharper, which was our objective.

hope this procedure will serve. Until next post!