Thursday, January 13, 2011

Allure Trafficmaster Tutorial

Wedding Cameras, lenses kit: Charles, my father has an Olympus E30 with which I practice, for Christmas he gave a 50-200 lens to replace the 40-150 SWD bought initially. Besides price, the quality is incredibly superior. I've read your articles about the kit lenses, please explain what the difference is, Thank you. I am Marcelo from Buenos Aires. Technical

Dear Marcelo, just I have an Olympus E30 , before I had a Olympus E510, the difference in performance between the two chambers is quite noticeable, besides the extra features on the E30 quite important, and how ergonomics.

Olympus E30 I bought the E510 with two lens kit, 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 and 40-150mm F4.0 -5.6 , I began my learning process and the inevitable "instinct" for comparison, one of my friends had a Canon Rebel Xs and one, a Nikon D60, each with their kit lenses.

Olympus E510 with two lens kit

I must confess that at first I was a little intimidated, because in the American Journal of Photography, 95% of advertising belongs to Canon and Nikon. What would be our surprise (of three), if the ISOs to test different approaches, rare, sharpness and several others (nothing scientific), we realized that my Olympus E510 "won" by a wide margin to the other two cameras basically using the 14-42mm lens to be in the same range of focal lengths.

The three cameras were on equal terms, it was a "entry level" kit lens, and mine was getting an image quality far superior to the others. Additionally my friend Canon Xs, discovered (recoating), that the camera does not have timely assessment within the light metering modes.

Well, at this stage of my process, I realized, through reading, learning and research, the real investment is in the lens, these (good) are by far more expensive than the cameras, but lenses are primarily responsible for the quality of the photos, more even as the cameras. Having learned this, I bought a lens 12-60 F2.8-4.0 SWD class High Grade ... Classifies its lenses Olympus: Standard, High Grade and Super High Grade.

Olympus 12-60mm F2.8-4.0 SWD (24-120 LFE)

Well, this monster of almost 600 grams exceeded by far the weight of 470 grams of my E510, but the quality of the photos changed dramatically, and my life. Discovered the effect which causes a high-quality lens when compared with a kit lens, I agree that a lens that's quite expensive, even more than the camera with two kit lenses together.

could say that this was for me a turning point, now had a before and after, and there I decided never to use low-grade lenses (kit lens). E
eque your father has bought (and I also I have), the 50-200mm F2.8-3.5 SWD is the ideal complement of 12-60mm, between the two have a long range effective focal length (LFE), ranging from 24 to 400 mm, with a very impressive quality and brightness.

Olympus 50-200 F2.8-3.5 SWD (100-400 LFE)
A very bright zoom Tele

This lens weighs 1.000 grams, in particular I always use a tripod, or at worst with a monopod.

And now I diverted enough of your original question, I must say that the quality of a high-end lens is given by the quality of the optical elements (lenses), the same optical formula, for its strength, its construction and manufacturing with close tolerances, being sealed against dust and splash, and this is reflected in a high quality image, since its design is directed to a better filling of the sensor.

That's the big secret how light rays placed in the sensor, that is how ordered, how much color corrected and in other aberrations, how to distribute the image from the center to the edges, the detail picks, how clear is the image, how fast focuses etc.

I am sure that this lens is going to provide very good and rewarding photographic experiences, made under the MRCA Olympus Zuiko optics a truly formidable.

Here in Peru, the market is dominated by Canon and Nikon, in general people do not know the quality you can get with a midrange Olympus High Grade glasses in many cases the results are better than those provided CANIKON market (as they call in some publications), but it is also true that Olympus has focused on the Peruvian market, I do not know if local ignorance of what they have at hand or for some unknown reason .

Congratulations, to the next post.


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