Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Coach Buses Have Power Outlets?

A dinner, a higher and 7 beers. Demon

Look, I I will not go into much explanation. An uncle is an uncle. A man is a man. We are different. And now this. We are not better, of course, is more, we are in almost everything, absolutely inferior beings, dependent beings, beings capable of living as subjugated to a need for us as mystical ethereal for you.
colony do not need, I need clothes, I need a shower. Not that I'm a dirty, even if it is true that we play, the men in the line that separates so thin that the pig-boar clean human being and therefore consistent with the surrounding environment. Perhaps you think that this is not hard?. For if it is fed complicao. But we do.
The ill-treatment ... Well, look, do not work that field, man really is man, the uncle, the template of truth knows that is implanted, it is more, I dare to say that man is man is unable to see as a living being of male gender (not the same as saying "man") attached to a bf / wife / lady ... living depends on the female and the time and / or place (and I mean living as women because no man is any woman think you are neither all).
Honestly, I'm sorry, I do not want to be rude, but if I am I apologize in advance, I like being a guy and be like I am. Burp when I'm alone, and if the burp last longer than 7 sec and it sounds hollow, Descojonado me. Bebo
beer, much beer, sometimes I drink more beer in summer than water. It's just that moment when I consider that I momentarily lost the rudder of my life. But as I am a full-fledged guy then redefined the direction and course and then, I will drink more water than beer.
However, if Curran 24 hours, there'll be me and anyone who is seen by foot. The first is the family. The second in this case, us. The latter
think it comes from when we lived in caves. So no change there, my love.
I have a few problems, which most tend to be physiological (essential to know the true etymological meaning of the word "physiotherapist" and "logic" to be able to understand).
For me the word "honor" is meaningless and even though I would go to a war and not kill anyone to defend the interest of country, yes that would be able to die to defend you, for example.
And it's not liking me but ... well, the latter do not think they understand. Best way to another point. And this I say this without bitterness, is a problem of mine, not how to explain.
very clear That you acknowledge that you, in global're better than me. But I ask, please, respect my limitations and my need to elaborate. Above all, do not think that everyone is equal, the vast majority are less basic and more quietly and thus more interesting than me.
By the way, tacorrio mascara, chula.

With God.


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