Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Can Chlymadia Be Transmitted By Kissing?

: Until recently I had my film camera, my husband gave me a small digital but I managed to get one clear picture, all I get out of focus, the camera is new and I have no experience with these cameras digital. Where to start?, Will be well on the camera?. Thanks, I'm Carmela B.

One of the first things you must master in a chamber digital, es el botón o pulsador del obturador, ese que se utiliza con el dedo índice de la mano derecha para tomar la foto.

En las cámaras digitales este botón tiene dos etapas o dos pasos, si uno presiona suavemente sentirá que ha llagado al tope (primer tope), y si, sin retirar la presión, uno sigue presionando suavemente, encontrará que este primer tope es vencido, y el botón del obturador avanza un poco más hasta el segundo tope. Estas acciones deben ser TOTALMENTE dominadas, así que siéntese con su nueva cámara digital, y con los ojos cerrados comience a acostumbrarse a los dos golpes de dicho botón.

Uno debe ser capaz de presionar el botón del obturador hasta the first stop and keep it there indefinitely without passing the second stop and this is only possible with practice.

And this, why is it important and what is it?

Well, pressing this button until the first stop, we are asking that you make the camera autofocus and auto exposure (Autofocus and autoexposure AF / AE ) and the pressure to the second stop we are ordering take the picture.

Autofocus (AF autofocus), is the automatic function that allows the camera to focus (to do that is as clear as possible) the scene which the photographer want to take, this process is normally charged to the electronic components of the camera, and requires some time, a second slower cameras, and much less time in the fastest and most sophisticated (and expensive).

The auto exposure (AE autoexposure) is the automatic function whereby the camera through its built-in light meter, calculates a combination of shutter speed, aperture diaphragm and / or ISO, as the lighting the scene you want to photograph.

Many people just starting to get used to using a digital camera, fail to press first to the first stop, quickly pressing the button to the bottom, therefore not achieved the AF and SC is evident that these operations depends very much on the quality of our photos, because without AF / AE No sharpness and correct exposure, plus a sudden movement adds more possibilities for a blurry photo.

So, we see how important it is to press the shutter button to the first stop, as it is at this point that the camera focuses and the measurement of light for our photo out sharp and properly exposed. Many times I have asked, when in doubt, if the camera is faulty, since all the pictures come out focus, clear (overexposed, or too dark (underexposed), and the final conclusion was, in most cases, the person did not know how to use a digital camera, because this feature of the shutter button.

Once one has mastered the ability to smoothly reach the first stop and your finger there without removing the pressure, but without going to the second stop, we can start taking pictures sharp and properly exposed, as long as the transition from the first stop to second, to be conducted smoothly and without jerking.

This manual says the camera about it.

IMPORTANT: Each camera has a visual and an audible to indicate that it has succeeded or failed, perform the functions of AF / AE is often a green dot on the screen or viewfinder, when this is on and stable operations AF / AE have been successful, but if you change to another color or is intermittent, you must release the button and try again, the same way with the number of beeps, usually two beeps indicate that won the AF / AE, while one or three indicate that we should try again. So read your manual.

Once we managed to do this properly, especially the passing of the first stop on the second smoothly, we will have removed one of the first causes blur and badly exposed to having to deal with the novice photographer.

Speaking of this, we solve the second most common cause of Photos "moved" or blurred, and this is the wrong way to grab the camera. Soil

see many amateur photographers take their cameras point and shoot with arms outstretched and feet together, to look at the screen in the back, this position favors the involuntary movement of arms, and even the beating affect the stability of the heart chamber. One must take it with elbows tucked in, feet apart, and if we have conditions low light, or zoom all the way to the telephoto side, we seek to support the camera against a stationary object, or use a monopod or better still a tripod (no tripod is not bad word), and if to avoid photos is blurred, enter these links:

The need for a tripod

monopod Utility

Holding the camera in backfocus

other photos seem always better

So much most basic (and essential) to prevent blur and poorly exposed, and it is quite common in people who are just beginning to become familiar with digital cameras, plus this is VERY important to read the camera manual chapter by chapter, and not move to the next until you have read understood and practiced it in the current chapter.

One last tip, always use the wrist strap or neck, as applicable.

Dear Carmela, I hope I helped a little.

Until next post!


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