is a technique of dry calls, as opposed to oil painting or watercolor, do not use any solvent and applied directly onto the work surface. As support is common to use good quality paper and good weight: The color should be neutral, mostly white, with a slight roughness, so that the powders are more adherent. Anyway This technique is versatile enough for you to use on other surfaces.
painters using this technique, the most noteworthy is the speed of execution of the work and allows corrections with ease.
Historically, the first mention of this technique appears to Leonardo da Vinci in 1495, although only used it to make sketches of his works in charcoal and chalk.
Anyway, the cake is considered eminently French and had to be Jean Perréal (1455-1530), an artist under the court of Louis XII, who later introduced in Italy.
It was not until the splendor of cities as Venice and Genoa, when he began to use, larger scale.
The cake enjoyed its golden age in the seventeenth century, where its bright colors and its ability to reproduce all types of fabrics, textures and lights, it became inseparable in the art of portraiture.
was used by many painters such as Charles Le Brun, Robert Nanteuil or Joseph Vivien.
In the eighteenth century, the cake met his exaltation. Was the medium of fashion to paint portraits, and was often used in a mixed technique with gouache .
The painter Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704-1788) is perhaps the best known, and was called the "prince of the pastel" fixation method used the cake is gone today. Portraits and still lifes made especially at the end of his life, when he lost sight Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin (1699-1779), are still much admired. Other artists such as Jean-Baptiste Perronneau (1715-1783) and Jean-Etienne Liotard explored other ways more spontaneous and intimate on the cake.
Soon after came the dark days of this painting technique, which based on the ephemeral nature of his painting (the powder but are set off), was displaced by oil. He became a minor art reserved for a frivolous class already dead. This period coincides with the period of Neoclassicism.
If you do not become by Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863), the cake had probably gone. While the cake
never returned to regain his place in the art world, continued to be used, thanks to the Impressionists, especially Edgar Degas (1834-1917), returned to a place in the world of art. This particular vision and tireless observations, technical rescue them again on the cake.
The bohemian Parisian life of the late nineteenth century which would give him a push unused, as it was the ideal form of expression for these artists who sought a speed-based painterly realization, along with the intensity and brightness of colors.
From this time pastel painting became more popular in modern art because of this ease of expression and the wide range of bright colors used.
Below I leave a few links for you to check.
http://pastel . / / 32-pastel.html
http://pastel . / / 32-pastel.html
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