Post a picture is actually be naked before the world. Everyone looks at the table, watching him try to see some defecto.Es like sitting on the couch of a physician in his office. You see the look at you, watching you and you remain silent waiting and waiting for the diagnostico.Estaré well, I'll be wrong ......... always that fear that surrounds us.
gustar.Es Fear no fear that we feel everyone from young people ... gustare around me, my teacher, my friend / o, my girlfriend / o. We always live with that fear.
All painters are afraid of not liking, not being able to express what we feel. We fear demeaned, ridiculed or malinterpretados.Muchas sometimes when a picture is frustrating. Not get to express what is intended. These doubts the project into our environment with phrases like ... that's it going? you like?. I miss something? is a continuing insecurity.
All we like, likes to demás.No ourselves and forget that what matters is what you want to convey, and sometimes not so much as transmitted.
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