Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Template Of Letter To Sell A Car

7 Characteristics of a great Web Page Migration to new Blogger

What makes a website great?

Would not you love to know the main ingredients to create a high quality website? What are the basic elements that must be taken if you want a solidly designed webpage? A website must stand out and be seen by visitors. One that will keep visitors returning to the site again and again. An effective web site that is 95% better than most web sites.

Follow these simple steps of design when creating your next web site and will response. Good

  1. keywords

    the core. The concept. Good keywords are the building block to consider even before your website becomes a slight mental idea. Choose the correct word or phrase is the primary factor that will determine success or failure of your website. Should seek to find out about the word or phrase that will be the central point and attractive website.

    must seek to have this right. Is vital. It is simply the most important element of a website. Analysis software can use keywords and sites for this purpose as GoogleKeywords, Wordtracker.com, Nichebot.com, or advanced analysis software as Brad Callen's Keyword Elite. "

    Regardless of the choice process, you must choose your keywords very carefully. You should check the number of searches made mensualemnte of the keyword. You should also check the keyword density on your page to see if it registered with search engines. You may need to adjust or "tune" the density of the keyword then.

    sure the place that gives the keyword in the title of the page. Place it in the first holder of the page, even many sellers place their keyword or phrase in the URL. For example: www.sudominio.com / palabraclave.html This will help search engines and surfers to find your site more quickly.

  2. Simple Design Keep it simple. Try to keep your page simple and direct. Maintain a professional style. Make sure it is legible and clear to all visitors. Check your spelling. You should also review how the page looks in all browsers (www.anybrowser.com). Better safe than sorry.

    Keep in mind your visitors every time you design your website. Preserve the topic and keep it connected to your keywords. Most marketing studies show that the best is not to confuse visitors with too many options. If you are selling a product or products, limit the amount on each page, if you can, to a product.

    If you have a comparison page, limit the amount to three or four. Studies also show that if you have too many options or products, the exchange rate conversion or fall, not rise. Keep all interrelated. If you have a website about laptops , do not start discussing the benefits of getting a jeep or SUV.

    Keep your sentences short and the number of words on a page below 200 or 300 words. Many sites divide large items on multiple pages, will be somewhat inconvenient to visitors but you will have more space for advertising - is your choice. Optimized

  3. Let's face it, the website will mean the vast majority of its traffic from search engines, mainly Google, although MSN and Yahoo also deserve consideration. Optimize your site for Google. Use a simple hierarchy and simple mantega its pages to no more than three clicks from the homepage. Link all pages to your main page is a good practice, always. Search engines find your site faster if it is linked directly from the homepage. Use

    manager software logs (blogs) as Wordpress, BBlog and others, will optimize the pages for you. Blogs managers have a hierarchy of links (categories, archives, etc.) That are pretty friendly for search engines. It's almost impossible not to optimize your pages if you use a management system logs. It should also take an RSS syndication system (better known as RSS Feed) to distribute content and place it in the search engines quickly. Check

    factors and details such as Meta Tags, Title description and content. Use a text file for robots robots.txt search engines.

    If you are new to building web pages, you may want to try Google Creator Webpage , there you can create pages and host it for free on Google's servers also automatically be indexed in Google. Overall value added!

  4. Navigational

    A great website will have a simple and easy navigation. Link your website to and from your home page whenever possible. Also be sure to link to and from the site map page. Many webmasters put all the key links of your site in the top or bottom of every page, so a visitor can move freely between them and find what you're looking for. Preserve the comfort level of visitors ever present. Double

    review of all links in your website and each and every one of them work. It can be soreprendido to see how many of them do not work, especially if you are linking to other sites. Search engines do not like broken links, neither can his visitors.

    also duplicate the review of all images for your page to display properly. Nothing further reduces the quality of a page faster than images that do not load.

  5. New Content
  6. A great website will always have new content. Be sure to update your website often. Our world of technology changes rapidly, make sure the material is current and still relevant.

    Remember, 9 out of 10 times, the only reason a visitor is on your page is for information. Be sure to deliver. Make sure the information is recent and accurate. In addition, there is nothing like new content and new to keep visitors interested and coming back for more.

  7. add to bookmarks or favorites

    A great website will in all cases be added to the browser bookmarks or favorites. The visitor will want to mark your favorite or Agragar your page and return to it for more information. Make sure that makes it easy for visitors to add the page to your list of bookmarks or favorites. Use a dial script or added to favorites. Try to use a favorite icon or favicon, this is a small logo that is placed on the site and will be automatically loaded and displayed in the bookmarks or favorites of visitors, increasing the striking and attention to your page. All in a bookmark and a favorite icon as breadcrumbs, leading the visitor back to your page. Fresh

  8. Every page has a WOW factor ! Try creating your page out of the ordinary and the ordinary. Try to make it unique, fresh. Just remember, a simple professional webpage with valuable information is always spectacular. And remember that there's nothing like a good little 'word of mouth' to get some traffic to be performed in Pagerank for your site. One thing on your page is worth what it's worth in gold.

So next time you're designing a web page, go and try to create a web page with all the features mentioned above. Start with keywords, keep it simple and easy, read and taste to find coding errors, design a good navigation and optimize it for search engines, be sure to provide valuable information and fresh content. Last but not least, try hard to make your site memorable and add to your bookmarks or favorites. Make a professional website that will exceed most other web pages.

Aspire to the top and reap the rewards.

Article originally in English, written by Titus Hoskins on November 13, 2006.
Extracted, translated and adapted by Ricardo Andrés Obregón Merchán

Friday, October 27, 2006

Salutatorian Address Elementary

Innovation for all editors

time ago I opened a blog in Blogger Beta test the new version of Blogger which will come to replace the current blogger and this surprised me with some news. But today I decided to migrate to the new Blogger blog, as it promised to migrate as is without affecting the content and only an occasional change in the template.

I accept that I liked it and eventually was broadly beneficial and allows me to modify the content, structure, style and design with ease, but it took me about two hours again in a similar state leave the blog, because migration left me some difficulties in the design and coding of characters, plus some ads, links, images and text fragments.

The change was dramatic, because now I can modify blocks without coming into contact with that tedious template, although it does not disappear, it can be changed as well. This is a good choice for beginners who do not know HTML coding and modeling for blocks in a web page, the interface is quite intuitive but can become tedious and tiring instants (visual).

For those with a blog to recommend the earlier version migration made with caution and make a backup copy of the template and the blocks of HTML and Javascript code inserted manually. I also had some problems with translation and UTF-8, practically had to manually change all accents and special characters, which is not very fun to say.

hope this tool matures a bit and we can peacefully use this powerful tool that Google makes available to all bloggers in the world. Meanwhile I have to deal with some "glitches" and existing bugs.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Can Lupus Anticoagulant Skip A Pregnancy

800x600 vs 1024x768: The difficult decision to choose the screen resolution

What resolution should design a website?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions by developers and web designers págians in terms of usability in a web page. The full answer is a bit difficult, but the basic advice is clear:

  • Optimize for 1024x768, which is the screen size more widely used. Granted, the general pattern is optimized for the most common resolution of your target audience. Untamaño should be different if you say you are designing a website for a company intranet where employees use large monitors.
  • design not only specific monitor size because screen tamnaño vary among users. The variability of the size of the screen is even greater when users do not maximize their browser windows (especially if they have large screens) Use a design
  • fluid (liquid layout) to fit the current window size of the user ( ie, avoid stiff or frozen design are always the same size)

Currently, about 60% of all monitors in the world are in a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. In contrast, only about 17% use 800x600 screens, which obviously is less important to point target these users with small screens. Equally obvious, however, can not simply ignore 17% of the segment of customers by offering a rigid design that requires more screen than they have available

Excerpted, adapted and translated from Screen Resolution and Page Layout Jakob Nielsen's considered one of the foremost experts in usability and web accessibility worldwide

Friday, September 1, 2006

Pet Platypus Poisonous

Blogs: Journalism or Firefox Plague

August 31: International Day of Blog

Every second, in a corner of the planet, comes a new blog. It is almost impossible to throw today, the relevance of Bloggers personal, especially when it comes to news that move the world, daily life and even things as trivial as what machine to buy or what color will be used next season.

The internet blogs have been flooded and now it is almost inevitable to find blogs occupying high positions in search engines (although I fear that in this way should have come to this and I hope the information here will be of great use) that often distract our attention, some positive and negative at the time, as they often do not contain the information you need but views of little value and not the information we need.

In my opinion it is a path where each individual develops the right to free speech, but sometimes abuse this right (I will not go into details).

Although the idea of \u200b\u200bthis article is not discussing whether it is good or bad that "right of expression" but to celebrate the International Day for the Blog. According to the logic of the blogosphere, the initiative came from a decree of an international body, but was proposed by an Israeli blogger Nir Ofir called.

His idea was that during the August 31, all digital journals in the world are encouraged to recommend five blogs "preferably different from their own culture, point of view and position." Ofir said I think the day because "I feel that as there are more blogs, spend less time discovering new ones. Because of the extra information, just visit my favorite blogs, so I'm sure I lost a lot of good blogs "Whether

fan or critic of this trend in bloggers celebrate this day: HAPPY DAY BLOG

Fragments BBC extracted

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Involuntary Leg Movements During Sleep

Firefox is hot

some time Firefox has become a browser that has emerged and has won the hearts and computer of many sailors in the world thanks to its stability, security, popup blocking (pop-up's), anti-phishing, among countless other features. Acceptance is so great that Mozilla has been chosen on July 15 as the day and to promote the Firefox browser, thousands of fans have created short video clips where Firefox in less than thirty seconds or less, and one of the videos I found most striking and interesting is the one shown at the top.

For more information go to Firefox comes to life (in English)

Technology and Robots

Friday, July 28, 2006

I Have A Lot Of Moles, What Can I Do

Day Football Robots

These days it has carried out the Campus Party and wanted to share a video surfers can enjoy and appreciate how technological advances in robotics make us have a little fun. Obviously there is still a long way, but we are on the right track.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ca 10000 Plus Cricket Bat

Campus Party Fun, Geeks and Cats Traffic

Weekend Fun: Cats!

I'm not sure why, but the vast majority of Geeks love cats. Perhaps the reason is because they sit on our PC's and posted on the keyboard. Definitely fun.

By the way, has anyone seen or know of a cat chasing a black bear to hunt?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mi Soledad Y Yo Translated

Web: the eternal dilemma of what

Guide A to Z for web site traffic

In September 1999, Brett Tabka wrote "26 Steps to 15k a Day" (26 Steps to 15k a day) in the Webmaster World forum (Webmaster World). Many things have changed since then, and now is the time to consider a new plan of 26 steps that cover the current needs of webmasters in 2006. Some of the steps still apply (writing new content everyday, for example), others not (send to the search engines is no longer necessary) and we are here to say what's what and what's what. As you may very well known, attracting visitors is not easy, requires hard work, determination and very hard. So if you are ready, tie up your sleeves and follow these 26 simple steps, and in just one year will have generated enough traffic to keep you busy for a long, long time. Guide A to Z for web site traffic.

A) Search keywords (Keyword research)

First of all, use a search engine keyword and make an extensive research, looking for the right key words and phrases for use on the site. What key phrases are using the competition? Is there a phrase that creates a potential for market share? Is there any with which to launch the site and create a whole new niche market?

B) Domain Name (Domain name)

To register and characteristics of your company name, then choose a domain name that reflects it. If your company is called Umara, then use the domain www.umara.com. If you have already been taken by someone else then enter www.productosumara.com or similar. No hyphens, and hopefully no more than two words in the domain name.

C) Avoid

sandbox Upon the chosen keywords and phrases and the name of your company, buy a domain soon. Design and place a page on the site discussing some of what you are, what sells, and that soon there will be more to come. Make sure that you will be visited, scanned and indexed by search engines like Google and Yahoo or mail or link it to any other site

D) Consider and create content


over 30 pages of real content, and original about your site. This will give the spiders something to "chew." This will also increase the chances of being seen on the results of the search engines with a variety Key words and phrases.

E) Site Design

Use the principle "Keep it Simple." Employ an external CSS file, check and clean any JavaScript code referring it as an external file, and do not use frames, use flash the way you would with images, and no matter what, do not build sites in Flash. Do not offer a site full of "bells and whistles" to visitors. Keep things nice and simple. Make it easy to find, and visitors have no reason to look elsewhere.

F) page size and extent of the page

use less kilobytes, the best especially for prinpipal page or initial. Optimize your images and make sure the page loads quickly. Most people and businesses in the Western world could that have high speed access, but cell phones and other countries. If the site loads slowly, you may already have lost the visitors even before they've had the opportunity to examine and explore the site.

G) Usability

sure the site follows good usability rules. Remember that people spend more time on other sites, so it does not violate the design conveniones. Do not use PDF files for online reading. Change link colors for visited and use good headers. Take into account some usability tips and tricks are worth it, it will save you work and effort.

H) On Site Optimization

Use the keyphrase you have chosen in your title (most important), your headers (when appropriate) and text content. Make sure your page / content is about the key phrase. If you're selling things, then write about those things. No single place to place, the words of that object or item within the text.

I) The global

The global bonds are those that remain the same on every page. They are the benchmark for new visitors are not lost in the navigation of the page. Sometimes found on the left side of the page, sometimes consist of tabs at the top of the page. They also often found at the foot of the page. Make sure you have a text version of the standard in each of the pages. Usually I tabs at the top, text-only versions placed at the foot of the bottom of the page. Check, check and see what works best for you.

Article originally in English, written by Shawn Campbell on April 7, 2006.
Extracted, translated and adapted by Ricardo Andrés Obregón Merchán

Monday, March 6, 2006

Dark Brown/black Stool

webmaster has to study a computer? Languages \u200b\u200b

What do computer engineers to study? It is curious that a widespread profession with degrees in almost all universities in the world has so little unclear what their engineers have to study.

Introduction This article does not necessarily address issues that relate to information technology as such, want to go into another area that worries me and that is none other than training and, within it, the area I know best The computer training. Once

written this article, I will complete this introduction to indicate that basically did try the usual topics, primarily because the training of IT professionals is closely related to the state of computing and especially its future.

What is taught in computer science? Early plans

study computer engineering were heavily influenced by the source of most of their teachers. In some faculties the teachers came mainly from areas of engineering, telecommunications engineering and industrial engineering-mostly schools and other areas of science, mathematics and physics mainly. The titles first official "Graduate / Diploma in Computer Science" seems to be opting for this second stream, while the current "Engineers / Computer Engineers" seems to be closer to the first.

This difference of cultures led to the clash between two different conceptions of curricula in computer science. The first with more emphasis on applied subjects such as operating systems, computer networks, software engineering, etc. The latter with more weight on the baseline survey, a majority of subjects as calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, automata theory, etc. The result end of the course curriculum combines both views by law, although the balance of power at each college determine the bias of each plan.

What programming language?

Another typical problem when implementing a computer science curriculum is to choose which language or programming languages \u200b\u200bused. It seems reasonable that this decision is made primarily for educational reasons, but many other factors affect and have affected the decision.

For some time many universities used to teach Pascal as programming language. In other subjects, typically related to operating systems, C was used as the most used in the implementation of operating systems, teachers of subjects preferred real time control or Ada, etc. These approaches were criticized from the industry for being far from market realities. It is very important to learn COBOL cried for 15 or 20 years ...

In my view, the industry seems unaware that lag behind the university and not in front on these issues (contrary to what they believe). I mean, some years ago for many people in the industry to the university explaining things useless when not teaching COBOL. Interestingly, as students universities learned other things, in particular C, when they reached the industry began using what they knew best. So, they made use of C, for example, even for business management programs, for which he is not especially gifted.

Today the situation is similar. Now from the industry claims, for example, that use Java as a programming language. Rather, it asks to be taught Java and its implementations of all core technologies and little else. I know that for many the idea of \u200b\u200ban interpreted language with strong connections to the network may seem new, but the truth is that many things were similar and better before Java was just lucky to be born into the arms of a multinational.

new factor: the industry

also adds a new factor, the industry has grown and now there are very powerful players: Microsoft, SUN, etc. who understand what future engineers will learn a huge factor in what will be used in enterprises in the years ahead. Hence, many companies make great efforts to place their products in universities. Microsoft

advantage of its popular operating systems for desktop computers, which are mainly equipped classrooms that practice mainly for price reasons universities. Until very recently it was difficult to find compatible computer rooms were not operating systems from Microsoft. The resistance has been strong to the appearance of classrooms with GNU / Linux or other free operating systems. Multinational companies have created software licenses campus to try to persuade universities to use. Have made donations software with the same idea.

My basic question is: Should I force the administration to use technology neutral, ie free teaching in information technology? In my opinion yes, for two reasons. The first least: by price. The campus licenses are very cheap compared to individual prices, but still must be paid and donations are only produced the limited subset of very prestigious universities with the idea that it leads to others.

The second is the most important from my point of view, government should force the use of proprietary technologies for not cooperating in the maintenance of monopolies in any area of \u200b\u200bthese technologies. OK to use as Java, or the only operating systems that students see are the Microsoft Windows family, it seems dangerous from the point of view.

Curiously, for someone who has championed more engineering aspect of computing, are the sectors more supportive of strong mathematical background who most understand the need to use proprietary technologies. Perhaps the non-patentability of mathematics has led that community to develop more open than that of the supposedly more dynamic engineering. Professional ethics

Another point of interest in computer training, and that often leaves aside, it is training on the computer as a branch of knowledge and social components. The delivery of such knowledge is usually done alrededor de la asignatura de deontología profesional. Esto no es exclusivo de la informática, casi todas las titulaciones universitarias imponen ciertos créditos
obligatorios de deontología profesional.

Las asignaturas sobre deontología en informática tienen en mi opinión un perfil muy limitado, que reconozco sesgada por la implementación de las asignaturas que conozco. En general se centran en una única parte de los problemas a los que se enfrenta un informático en su vida profesional: el uso de información confidencial, bien de los usuarios de los servicios que desarrollan, de sus compañeros o de las empresas para las que trabajan. También abordan, como no podría ser menos, las prácticas ethics, such programs do not intentionally incorrect, you enter discussions on the need for professional or not (this would for another article), it comes to hiring practices and relationships with peers and competitors, and generally establishing the legal rights and duties of the computing profession.

However, in my opinion it is desirable to introduce students in other computer-related issues, but are more general. I think it's important to face the social problems of computing. In particular it seems essential to know the philosophy underlying the development model free software. It is unacceptable that most computing students leave the classroom thinking that the only way to develop software or developing it to make money is by selling proprietary licenses. It is necessary to address the analysis of software licenses, to consider its implications. Similarly

is necessary in the classroom to address the issues related to intellectual property, of which I think free software is a subset. The computer is now closely linked with the production and distribution of multimedia content. The computer is necessary to discuss and reason about the ways in which you will be making these functions and their social responsibilities.

professional practices of a computer should not be limited to its relationship with confidential information, privacy of data, etc. It is important to be aware of their role in the production chain with intellectual and knowledge to decide what kind of tools developed or used in their professional lives. The other computer

far I have used the computer training as a common thread of the article. I realize that the computing profession today is full of people from very diverse. Thus, besides engineers, There are engineers from other branches, licensed, etc. Yes, what was said about the use of free computer tools also applies to training.

subjects related to intellectual property management in general and the development model of free software in particular I think it should be mandatory in studies related to communication technologies and highly recommended (perhaps in the form of free subjects choice / configuration) in other degrees.

Another part of computer professionals are self-taught. They would recommend that, following his instincts, try to look beyond the tools fashionable shopping and bet on free software as a way of expertise.

Finally, as a teacher I can not stop the rest of the user without duties: it is worth to be simple users of GNU / Linux, you must understand, for example, what role does the GPL and the development model of free software in general. Slashdot

As always remains a good place to discuss these issues. So if you want to read more about these topics can intervene in many of the discussions held in this regard.

Excerpted and adapted for the community in general, the book "On Free Software" - http://gsyc.escet.urjc.es/ ~ grex / about-free / informaticos.html (C)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Counter Strike Source Launch Options Location

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages: Procrastination, fad or trend.

The eternal battle near completion

Several readers of this blog I have questioned my position on languages \u200b\u200blike Java , Perl, PHP , Ruby, ASP , and the latest suite of Microsoft: Visual Studio.Net . Well, it's time to explain my position, which may offend many, perplexing to others and confuse the rest, well, some few people will agree with me.
In short, the key question is: what's better, the scripting language or compiled language? I'll summarize it in one sentence. All languages \u200b\u200bare interpreted.
I know that some (if not most) will say that this is not possible and therefore I will lift at that assertion.
To begin, we define each of the phrases from the standpoint of programming of PC's. Compiled Language

A compiled language is somewhat vague term to refer to a programming language that is typically implemented by a compiler. This means that once written the program, it translates from the source code through a compiler into an executable for a particular platform (eg for Sparc Solaris, Windows NT for Intel, etc.).. (Compiled Language - Wikipedia )

Language Interpreted ... An interpreted language is one in which the instructions are translated or interpreted them one at a time of execution to a machine language or intermediate language or through a virtual machine, typically being about 10 times slower than compiled programs. (Adapted from the definition on Wikipedia)

After the definitions, let's put in Christian terms, or better in computer terms, because not all Christians understand this terminology. A compiled language is that which, in theory, is translated into machine code and generated instructions are interpreted directly by the machine. And an interpreted language is one that is translated into an intermediate (read: non-machine), in which each instruction is interpreted and translated into machine language runtime. In practice, only and counted operating systems that run programs especially for console are in machine code. And before anyone misunderstand, I explain the above.
If we talk about the platform used in the home, understood Micro $ oft Windows, or as to the time of writing of this note, ALL, without exception, languages \u200b\u200bare interpreted or semi-interpreted. Those who know the assembly language the reason I find no problems. In modern operating systems, when you "compile" a program, it translates to a pseudoensamblador or pseudo-machine style, which in turn is interpreted by the "virtual machine" itself or native operating system to process , draw and perform all the instructions properly. Advanced programmers will know that when compiling programs, so you can find is a series of calls to external libraries which perform the tasks required. For UNIX operating systems and other, things do not change much, so do not I go into detail.
But now I go into the field. It is already clear that all programs are interpreted to a greater or lesser degree, the question is now how compilers generate code "more compiled" (forgive the apparent redundancy) than the others. Here I will mix a little personal concept with technical concept. To start I will be direct and mention some languages \u200b\u200bthat are generated, in theory, programs "more compiled" without mentioning the platforms to which they belong (I do miss some compiled languages, not currently used: Fortran, Ada, Algol, COBOL, and others of their time, except BASIC and derivatives):
C compiled language teacher par excellence, except in Visual Studio.Net. I only mention that it is the language in which they were designed the great majority, if not all, modern operating systems.
C + + Some would ponder, why separated C of C + +. Well, it happens that C + + is not compiled as C TAN, especially because almost always used in graphical operating systems, only in console versions is compiled into real machine code, but basically and essentially is compiled to machine code. Pascal
Basically, in all flavors and colors, compiled to native machine code
Delphi, Kylix, Lazarus are highly collected, but not entirely, because they are oriented graphical operating systems, and to a lesser degree are interpreted, but compiled languages \u200b\u200bare considered, because the generated code is native to the target platform.

I mention the best known and most widely used, now they are interpreted languages, which cause so much controversy. more interprestados
BASIC language interpreter par excellence and so far I have knowledge, the oldest, although it was interpreted in principles, then became the milestone of interpreted languages. All derivatives are more or less played, although sometimes, Borland released a compiled BASIC that, in theory (I never checked), to machine code.
JavaScript, VBScript Although this pair, I think that there are no mention of informing the general.
Perl, PHP These languages \u200b\u200bdesigned for web, are interpreted languages \u200b\u200bpar excellence, although intermediate code is compiled at runtime, which speeds up execution. There are also tools to generate close to the machine code for these two languages \u200b\u200band cached content, but ultimately, are still performed.
Batch, Shell Interpreted Languages \u200b\u200bfor OS 's, which is running quite slow, but they usually are so short or perform basic tasks such performance is not noticeable. Java
This language has been quite diversified today, including several of the large modern commercial applications are designed in this language, for example, Zend Studio and Oracle JDeveloper , just to mention two major .
Visual Studio. NET Boom imposition languages \u200b\u200bMicro $ oft. NO program built with the languages \u200b\u200bof the suite or whatever you want to call this package generates machine code and is in fact far from being machine code, or even references to libraries as they would other languages \u200b\u200blike Delphi, C + +, or similar. I'm not against this new methodology for the interpretation of software, but there is a big disadvantage is the very slow implementation of the generated programs and short words explain why (it could do a summary): The language generated is intermediate code which in turn is compiled in time execution, which is interpreted by the Framework. Net, which executes the instructions by the respective calls to operating system libraries. In my personal concept, it too turned to execute a simple instruction to call an OS API. Although the theory is that the compiled program after run-time, stay well, so it is an increase in execution speed, better than I had the opportunity to experience, as interpreted code run einterpretado code, I'm afraid not is very fast to say.

But why so much reluctance to these new technologies?, And what present pros and cons?. It's pretty simple. I'm not against these tercnologías, in fact, are excellent and sooner or later, but sooner or later, will build standards and will be considered as compiled languages.

Advantages of interpreted languages \u200b\u200b

  • Portability: This is the main advantage of this type of language because it can be compiled in and for any platform or operating system.
  • compatibility: as interpreted by the operating system, virtual machine or framework which ensures that the instructions are implemented by the software and hardware.

Disadvantages of interpreted languages \u200b\u200b

  • Speed: It is the most remarkable and which should be evaluated thoroughly to create software with such languages, because it must balance the portability with the speed that is being sacrificed. Unless the benefits of computer equipment are quite high, in which case, one might dismiss this aspect.
  • Portability: it is a disadvantage too. The problem is that today, so all compiled languages, are available for all platforms, so no virtual machines or frameworks, but in the case of Java, has done an excellent job for that matter and I can not complain, exists to almost all platforms, if not all, current. The. NET framework, I regret to say that today, one hundred percent is tested only on Windows, although there are promising projects such portability, but are not yet a fact.

In conclusion, how to act?. It is very difficult. Requirements are evaluated, defined needs, if they do not exceed the hardware to use, well you can continue, otherwise, it is best to think of a compiled language, as interpreted languages \u200b\u200byou require a large amount of resources, especially RAM and processor. Interpreted languages \u200b\u200bshould be exploited to the extent posiblem In a few years or even months and will enter into force (or are they?) the new standard of development.