Thursday, March 31, 2011

Emphysema, End Of Life

do you mean by the term STOP?, That helps me change it?, It is important to know?; I have read many times and I'm not sure how it works and what it is used.

A STOP (step) is a comparison unit, and always in a dual relationship (Positive) and half (negative) in some manuals is also called the EV (Exposure Value).

I mean, if I gain a stop (+1 stop), I doubled what I had, and if a rest stop (-1 stop), I'm halving he had.

STOP in photography is used to express both the increase and decrease of light with which we will make the exposure.

Thus, if we increase +2 stops, we have increased the light reaching our sensor in 4 times, and if we decrease -3 stops, we have removed 8 times the light to the sensor of your camera ... you understand?

Let's see, +2 stops is the same as +1 first increasing and then +1 again ... right?, Ok!, then by increasing the first stop we have doubled the amount of light and then by increasing the second stop will be duplicating what has already been doubled, this is how we will have 4 times more light than the beginning, and if additional stop aumentásemos +1, double what has already quadrupled, ie 8 times would increase the light reaching the sensor.

Similarly, by decreasing -1 stop light will be decreased by half, and if we subtract -1 additional stop, we will have 1 / 4 of the original light (half of half), and finally, to take - 1 stop, we will have one-eighth of the original light (half of a quarter). Since

A STOP or EV is an increase or decrease a little thick, it is common that do allow cameras in increments of one third, +1 / 3 = +0.3 - 2 / 3 = -0.7 for example. I hope I have illustrated

somehow the meaning of STOP in photography. Now go to your camera and look for a button or an item from a menu that has a square with a + and - (positive and negative) on the inside, this is the control for exposure compensation, showing a scale of STOP's or EV's where the right side is positive and the negative left ...

compensation function
EV = Exposure Value

Once you have located the symbol, I recommend you go to your camera's manual and read a little of what the manufacturer says about the use of that function. As the trigger, or press the corresponding button, you'll see the scale below.
Form interpret the scale of compensation
Since a STOP or a EV is an abrupt change something, you can usually make gains both positive and negative STOP or EV-THIRDS OF for better control. So one can perform increases 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 .... stops, and the way to the downside.

odem In the following example are seen as three pictures, first send the meter such as the chamber, the second photo with a stop less, ie half as much light as the first, and finally the third photo with a stop more than the first, ie twice as much light.

original picture without compensation, as measured
photometer camera.

Stop Photo offset to -1,
has half the original light.

offset to +1 stop,
has twice as much light as the original.

This is what makes Olympus manual for an E3 in respect of compensation:

For an alternative explanation, click here

And all this ... that I use?

serves as the basis for understanding the mechanisms of sound exposure, which constitutes one of the principles of photography that should be understood by all those who wish to leave auto mode and move their cameras to take control of your photographs.

Correct Exposure:

is the result of some actions, which aims to ensure that the sensitive element of the camera (sensor or film), as applicable, be exposed to the amount of light to achieve a correct picture from the perspective of amount of light that is not underexposed (too dark) or overexposed (too bright), just at the correct exposure.

Measurement of light (where it all begins):

To achieve the objective we correct exposure from a good measurement of light, it is responsible photometer, which may be the one built into the camera (every digital camera has a built-in light meter), which measures the light reflected towards the camera, or for better control can use an external photometer, which has the ability to measure incident light in the scene and / or subject. At the moment we are left with the meter built (ovbiamente more advanced cameras, and expensive, have more sophisticated photometers).

In most digital cameras there are three light metering modes (light metering), or whatever it is, we can tell the meter how we want to measure the light in our scene.

Click to enlarge

1 .- Measurement Matrix:

In this mode, the meter divides the entire scene in the frame we have in many areas small and light measured independently for each of these areas, then taking an average figure trying to ensure that most of the framed scene has the measure of light that corresponds, in this processor intervenes assessment the camera, and therefore also called evaluative metering, this is a good way for landscapes and more.

2 .- Central Weighing Measurement:

is basically a system very similar to the matrix, but when evaluating the lighting scene gives more weight to the central area of \u200b\u200bthe scene, is a way for portraits, for example, or when shooting scenes where the point of interest is at the center of the frame.

3 .- Measurement Spot:

In this mode the meter only measures the light in a small area at the center of the frame, this method of measurement is used for scenes with complex lighting, high contrast etc. is more work to master, but once achieved is the one that will give us satisfaction. It all depends on where it says a central point to take the sample of light. Look at the example below, where I took a picture of a focus on putting the measuring point on the bulb itself, for the camera to calculate the parameters of making and thus ensure detail despite the very light ... get tested!.

corect To achieve an exhibition should properly handle three parameters:

.- The shutter speed (time).
.- The aperture (numbers "f").
.- The ISO (sensitivity).

The first two control the amount of light reaching the sensor or film in our camera, the shutter speed makes controlling the time the shutter (gate that lets light enter), remains open, this can be from a very short time (high speed) how 1 / 4000 of a second (a second-cuatromilavo) until a very long time as 30 seconds, while the aperture makes controlling the size of the opening through which light will enter, this can range from very large apertures (f: 1.4), even very small openings (f: 22). Finally, the ISO operates electronically amplifying the light that reaches the sensor, the product of the combination of speed and aperture determined by the photometer.

Shutter Speed \u200b\u200b(Shutter Speed):

This parameter controls the time the curtains are open to let light into the sensor or film, as the case, is measured primarily in fractions of a second, standardized steps with a caesarean relationship STOP units or EV.

Click to enlarge

Suppose we choose, just by way of example, the speed of 1 / 125 of a second (a second-cientoventicincoavo) as a starting point, and We agree with the "0" scale on the chart above, if we double the amount of light with this single parameter, ie increasing one stop (+1 STOP), then we should double the time, and this will be 1 / 60 sec., but if we decide to take a picture with one-eighth of the light we had with 1/125 seg., entonces deberemos restar -3 STOPS; o lo que es lo mismo, poner la velocidad de obturación en 1/1000 seg. (un milésimo de segundo).

Es así cómo este solo parámetro de la velocidad de obturación me permite controlar, mediante el tiempo, la cantidad de luz que entra al sensor de mi cámara; obviamente tambien tenemos medidas intermedias para poder realizar saltos de un tercio de STOP ó EV, para con control más fino, a continuación les muestro algunos valores intermedios (tercios de STOP) hacia las velocidades más rápidas que 1/125 seg. (en negro):

1/125 - 1/160 - 1/200 - 1/250 - 1 / 320 - 1 / 400 - 1 / 500 - 1 / 640 - 1 / 800 - 1 / 1000

And now some intermediate (STOP-thirds) to slower speeds:

1 / 15 - 1 / 20 - 1 / 25 - 1 / 30 - 1 / 40 - 1 / 50 - 1 / 60 - 1 / 80 -1/100 - 1 / 125

aperture (Aperture) and numbers f:

diaphragm iris camera or Pulilan equivalent to the eye (the black center part), the which opens and closes automatically according to the amount of ambient light.

The size of this opening, in cameras, is represented by a number (f-), which results from dividing the focal length of the diameter of the lens, ie is a certain relationship between the two measures.

But now want to go into technicalities, since the purpose of this post is to unravel the mysteries of the STOP or EV, so for now I have to trust me and believe what I describe in the following paragraphs.

In the case of the aperture, the smaller numbers represent larger openings, and values \u200b\u200bsuch as 1 - 1.4 - 2 - 2.8 represent respectable opening, the former being characteristic of very expensive glasses, and securities how 16 - 22 to 32 represent very small openings.

I will choose an intermediate aperture, f: 8, to place at the center of the scale, so we will see how to reduce the aperture (high numbers), we reduce the entry of light into our sensor and if we use larger apertures (low numbers), we allow the entry of more light into our sensor, and obviously be interpreted in units estopuede STOP or EV, for a better understanding of what we are doing.

Click to enlarge

This parameter can also be manipulated into thirds to stop for a finer control, so we have the following intermediate (stop-thirds) For smaller openings af: 8 (in black):

8 - 9 - 10 - 11 -13 to 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 22

And these are the values intermediate (stop-thirds) for openings greater af: 8:

2.8 - 3.3 - 3.5 - 4 - 4.5 - 5 - 5.6 - 6.3 - 7.1 - 8

For an alternative explanation Engadget PHOTO click here

value ISO (sensitivity / gain):

Unlike the two previous standards, the ISO does not act on the entry of light into the sensor or film, but on the sensitivity, in the case of the film, or Amplification of the electrical signals in the case of the sensor. Consider the first case

This value represents feeling in a movie, so that a film with ISO 800 name is more sensitive than +3 STOPS denominació one with ISO 100, which translated into simpler language, means that it requires eight times less light to take the same photo ... means that it is good to take photos and films of low light situations (churches, interiors etc.) similarly, an ISO 50 film is -1 STOP less sensitive than an ISO 100, ie needs twice light to take a picture equivalent.

For the sensor, ISO value represents the amount of amplification that we apply on the electrical signals who came to that component, so if I apply a value ISO 200, I doubled the amplification if compared with that applied to ISO 100. It is understood that this case relates to digital cameras, so how in low light conditions we have the resources to raise the ISO setting on our cameras, this makes the effect that there is more light than actually exist, we gives the possibility to take photos in low light ... but at a price, photos taken with high ISO values \u200b\u200bhave less quality than low ISO vaores.

pubic But I have a post about it, enter the following link to access it:

ISO value

With this information, zero have exhausted the subject of STOP, in a next post I will explain the close interrelationship between these three parameters: shutter speed, the apertuta the diaphragm and the ISO. In the meantime I recommend you come to this link (in English) which they can go forward an idea:

The SimCam

If you think that some concept is not clear, please write to blog let me know.

... Continued ...

Until NEXT post!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Catching A Falling Egg Without It Breaking

Excellent video tutorials Luciano Ippolito,

Luciano Ippolito is a professional photographer and has taken the time to make an interesting series of video tutorials on various aspects of photography.

I highly recommend that you get to enter the link below and entering each of its episodes, you will find very entertaining and full of good information.

From here permimirme thank Luciano for posting the link in my blog.

Click on the following link:

Lucho TV, Digital Photography Podcast

So sigiente post!

Painting Dancing Man And Woman In Red Dress


Three o'clock. Without eating. No time, or now or never. It is a situation that usually is repeated .. that the only time I say. Toca
run. I watched the train or touches, but I know he plays run.
came in and I'm removing work clothes and throwing around as the groom is going to succeed, in haste and without knowledge. Miro the train and looked up as I say,
- the mother who bore me!
I decide to take a bottle and put a gel dissolved in water and eat a couple of dates before.
corridor I saw, my chickens away pants, shoes, a shirt with long sleeves and a hat and headed for Valdelatas. Lalola me, beside me, smiling ... cool you run .... because if you run it, the bitch. 20'de
warming was saying in the road ... and 4 also said four thousand.
If I would ask that speaking lalola Paque. That
I get these heaters.
So, with that look he has, I am an asshole when I is tempered looking at me, usually when we go back and slope that leads to my house and sat up waiting for me.
course, that maybe is not what I was saying, but what I'm getting ... Well, anyway, the point is that the end of the third four thousand see spots, but I encourage you to start the fourth.
And why I take the gel that shit at the end of the second ... just in case ... suputamadre!
In the fourth, dying for the cause, a spirit appears to me and says,
- cool, slow down will give you a fright. If you will give equal, if there is. If total, you know, born lechon pig dies.
But no, lay down and finish the room. Sera by balls.
Reventao. I go from one side to another in the ring. Sonaoperdido.
who was going to tell me that the worst of the training would be cool? The ten little minutes of trot later, pasoltar? Pasoltar!
finally finish and get home, swearing in Hebrew, with all the winged species over my head. Viewing cloudy.
And lalola? Lalola
Descojonado. Calling with the leg at the door for me. Already
later, with half kilo of meat under his belt and three beers, things look differently, but next time, eat before you?

With God.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dog Lump On Top Of Tail

training to improve sex.

Live wild, live Demonfit ... even if it costs you get into a Zara Home to buy shirts.

With God.

ps: you have all the dirty look ;-)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Non Holographic Ny Id

The big boss.

Rhythm. I like that word. Properly implemented is incontestable. For music, the rhythm is the base and can swing to become ... the famous swing, swing by here when it is called magic, but of course, is not the same as the rhythm. One is the bridge that tends to the other and not always.
The rate is growing, Talin today quoted Confucius "The important thing is to go slow but always moving, rhythm.
Rhythm is doing your own thing. At your own pace. It is hard to find when you go into grupete. Are you out of it you screwed up, if you enter it better stay home. You have yours, I have mine. These things are easier than they are, are very difficult. How is it red?, Explain, Define it. It is impossible.
But the secret lies there. To find yours and work it. To be consistent with it and respect it. If you go do not come, if you do not get no go. That's why individuality goes hand in hand with the rhythm. It's like consciousness, we each have our own. You know how you're quiet, you know as is the rate you have to go.
Mine is quiet, slow, steady, serious, grumpy, thoughtful, painful, as grateful as ungrateful bastard, but it is mine and I have to live with it. We are condemned to each other, though in truth, I, I owe him
a day is sunny. A drum, a few dates, a banana and some nuts. The road ahead and a time slot or a pulse or a cadence. I, the truth, I prefer neither one nor the other. I'd rather know the time that I have to go. And I leave it to the boss.
'm a slave to my rhythm, but I try to make friends with him. Sometimes I succeed, other many do not. The happy day came thanks to him, the day came not happy is because of him.
continue working. I have no other choice. It is an open secret but there are who do not want to do. I realized not long ago. I noticed that the rate, once set, is the real leader of this Tinglao.

With God.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Should I Masterbate With?

This March 19 we have a good excuse to go out and shoot the moon ...

We are in a good time to find a tripod, prepare your camera, charge our batteries, and format our memory cards.

Let's go practice a little, do not forget to measure light in "spot", the focus (autofocus) in the central part of the frame (do not let the camera focus where she wants, but where we want).

remember that you must do one underexposed (offset between -1 and -2 stops) to get a good detail of the moon.

And finally, is a good excuse to find a clear sky (as San Jerónimo de Surco, Km.55 Road Central, some 1, 900 m) ... depending on whether there are still landslides or not, I am in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, USA and do not know what the conditions are. Enter the sigiente

link to learn a bit about the lunar phenomenon: la.html

Also I put the link to a post about how to shoot the moon in this blog, click on the link below:

I'm trying to photograph the moon but ...

hope you enjoy the event and to draw very good photos I take leave until the next post!

Fitnation Cert 3 And 4 Module 4

say 33

I finished eating. Almost never at home but today I did. Chicken steaks, a couple of potatoes, ham and three glasses of Ribera de Duero that although cheap, is very rich.
do not know if I'm more receptive to the wine or because, though one may, it is impossible to abstract to many facts that today, marking, but our more immediate future, our present most filthy.
I've seen the news. In that hour.
Japan. I tweeted (" that it feels bad to be ignorant and incapable ). Toca News while awaiting good one, seeing how they behave the Japs, he realizes the long road that we still have to go to us, we defend and apologize to the fucking argument "we are Mediterranean" ... not that that was an acceptable excuse. They give!
of Us:
out there a councilman from Santiago to the Guardia Civil has awakened. Poor man. He was in his car, sleeping it off or what is, wearing a fart as a General and was sleeping in his car, but no, no sidewalks or sleeping in a parking descampao or not. Dormia while the traffic light was green and had put in red a few times. This council was one that forbade the bottle. Has resigned .... less. There goes
not that official European body has condemned the English government has to pay 20000 euritos Arnaldo Otegui. It will restrict their rights and freedom. Had every right to say that the king was the head of those who were not tortured. Well. Okay. Makes you want to be
pastor and go with the sheep into the meadow far away as possible. There are meadows on the moon?
A Councillor is not which party (no matter, no?) has screwed. The poor girl had inflated his resume by saying that he had finished a race and therefore was licensed when it was not so. Cachis at sea. A failure so it is either .... who wants to cheat, I think someone claro.En Germany resigned last month to copy a dissertation, or joke here. The fault was Roldan, who was the one who started it. More

Atlantis was in the marshes of Doñana. (Toooma!!). National Geographic dixit. And here is not worth it to say say who said Diego. Pitch. For how much?
This is what gives a news program.
This is what happens when one no longer believes in anything or anyone. What times those in which one could be right or left, right?.
Meanwhile, Torrente 4 has grossed 8 million euros.
see who throws the first stone.

With God.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Is A Couples Dance Strip

comment moderation.

blogs on the subject has been talked a lot out there.
Basically, you want to have it and who does not want it does not. Easy.
the other hand, you want to read one or the other and does not want not. Also easy.
There are so many blogs of many types, as people of many other types. Understandable.
And the good thing is that you can choose. You open a profile and even make comments.
also easy. I do it to me.
There is only one issue on which I can not. And opening a profile and comment once. And while he says is to disrespect.
A me, honestly, I sweats someone deems otherwise to me. I respect him.
But if someone in my blog, and had previously commented suppress it (first time I do and I do not comment on whether "that even I find it funny, but I do not know who does and I do not like ), he repeats it again because then what I believe is that those who turn to me is, besides tiresome, asshole.
And since this is my blog and always pass the same here (one is not enough for most) it is not plan to colleagues that they bothering with silly walks.
why I have enabled comment moderation.
I have understood, Truth?.

With God.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Coach Buses Have Power Outlets?

A dinner, a higher and 7 beers. Demon

Look, I I will not go into much explanation. An uncle is an uncle. A man is a man. We are different. And now this. We are not better, of course, is more, we are in almost everything, absolutely inferior beings, dependent beings, beings capable of living as subjugated to a need for us as mystical ethereal for you.
colony do not need, I need clothes, I need a shower. Not that I'm a dirty, even if it is true that we play, the men in the line that separates so thin that the pig-boar clean human being and therefore consistent with the surrounding environment. Perhaps you think that this is not hard?. For if it is fed complicao. But we do.
The ill-treatment ... Well, look, do not work that field, man really is man, the uncle, the template of truth knows that is implanted, it is more, I dare to say that man is man is unable to see as a living being of male gender (not the same as saying "man") attached to a bf / wife / lady ... living depends on the female and the time and / or place (and I mean living as women because no man is any woman think you are neither all).
Honestly, I'm sorry, I do not want to be rude, but if I am I apologize in advance, I like being a guy and be like I am. Burp when I'm alone, and if the burp last longer than 7 sec and it sounds hollow, Descojonado me. Bebo
beer, much beer, sometimes I drink more beer in summer than water. It's just that moment when I consider that I momentarily lost the rudder of my life. But as I am a full-fledged guy then redefined the direction and course and then, I will drink more water than beer.
However, if Curran 24 hours, there'll be me and anyone who is seen by foot. The first is the family. The second in this case, us. The latter
think it comes from when we lived in caves. So no change there, my love.
I have a few problems, which most tend to be physiological (essential to know the true etymological meaning of the word "physiotherapist" and "logic" to be able to understand).
For me the word "honor" is meaningless and even though I would go to a war and not kill anyone to defend the interest of country, yes that would be able to die to defend you, for example.
And it's not liking me but ... well, the latter do not think they understand. Best way to another point. And this I say this without bitterness, is a problem of mine, not how to explain.
very clear That you acknowledge that you, in global're better than me. But I ask, please, respect my limitations and my need to elaborate. Above all, do not think that everyone is equal, the vast majority are less basic and more quietly and thus more interesting than me.
By the way, tacorrio mascara, chula.

With God.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Songs That Relate To Crucible


- I want growled Demonfit.
So a good friend asked me to collaborate on a project that has launched in conjunction with other Zumbao like him.
And so, how could it be otherwise, I answered.
- Demon quee?. What the fuck is that?

Al mess. Occasionally, the pimp will write in Demonfit . Without censorship, do not take even a taco, or a comma and let me grumble and complain all you want. As I will miss an opportunity as well?

For the moment, and seriously, I wish you good luck (I think it's going to take them because, frankly, the project mola).

With God.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Hook Up Lights On A Go Cart Motor

Saturday, advances long bike out in anticipation of a rainy Sunday (at the end would not have been necessary). Came after three, tired but with that smile of war stories that won everyone puts us in the face. About 5 hours, a demanding route and the satisfaction of having been docked and rhythm all the time I could do just that, be coupled and rhythm.
the front, the family meal and pick up the kitchen (which is why I take the last gel when I'm almost through the door of house).
eat before I drink these potions to recover the body of stress and recharge hydrate deposits, protein, and bla bla.
is something mechanical.
My wife looks at me, it seems that my appearance is not a guy enderazao by rest and my eyes are not just invited to an evening war with the children.
- You are a slave of "yours." "She says, leaving me half by half taunting impossible. This tone also believe that more than one we have heard and / or meaning.
- shit You can tell how many shots?
At one point, with neurons confused by the need to sit and eat and the obligation to answer thinking (hard) I'm self-absorbed and turning it's true, that if I take a lot of shit then, for and during training .
A normal day, I wake up and take
propolis with Echinacea ... Non-constipated. Glutamine
get into the drum of the bike ... to not know what. BCAS
... strong session for after. Before going to sleep.
recovery (Gluehird more bad bitches but that to me is fine and the next day I'm running again pa) ... I take it right after hard training.
magnesium before bed. nor for that is but he said the witch to take it. Gels
dissolved in the drum of the bike, with BCAS and ch's ... this is very pro, but I've read in no where (that is to read bad things) that best eating "liquid" and get used to the body ... is also very bad but it works.
So much for chemistry.
For physics, see my physio more than my mother.
As for the food (some day I will write a post about this), do not count anything. Only I've become a fucking Taliban, which since July I lost 11 kilos and of course now I run more and better but I fell a few tears when I see an ice cream or when I pass by a McDonald's that you shit, like fists.
What a shame. Ahi
is that, this is part of the back office, the front office is just arriving, if possible running, as God intended.

With God.