Monday, June 2, 2008

Used Body Opponant Bag


Well, that ... hello everyone. My name is Maria Angeles , I live in Spain (Galicia), and until now had never painted anything. I started painting at the end of 2003. As you can see never too late to develop any kind of hobby. Painting for me has been a great discovery, something I was not aware. I had never painted or even a puppet, I always stopped in the drawing classes, and I saw myself unable to paint anything. And you see, at full maturity, comes, comes out, and most importantly, I am comforted and provides a tremendous inner joy. I know I'm not a great painter, and never arrive to be, nor do I pretend, but for me, my works are part of life I feel, my expression, and that is the most important. I bring joy and I opened a new world, full of light and colors that emerge from my mind and my pencils. What more could you ask for.

painting has given me a whole range of feelings did not know, made me see the world differently, with different eyes, with another sensibility. While I paint I'm really in another world, a world of shadows and colors, I try to model. I know my paintings are to deceive, but to me they are the best in the world, because part of me, are going.


not only capture what you see, paint is to describe what you feel and how you feel at that time. So no pictures are alike although they paint the same composition.


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